And because we couldn't think of anything more interesting we here at What Would Doom Do have decided to come up with our top 5 comics of the year.

- Avengers: The Childrens Crusade
The final quest for the Scarlet Witch ended with 6 teenagers and a young Vision. Although Cheung and Heinberg started this project in 2010, it didn't reach it's conclusion until this year.
There were tears, twin tantrums, time wimey space stuff, resurrections, remorseful granfathers, pissed off uncles, teenage deaths and of course the (almost) triumphant return of Doom. A:CC was definitely one of the events of the year, resulting in the Young Avengers (what's left of them) finally being acknowlegded as Avengers. 2013 will see the reigns handed over to Jamie McKelvie and Keiron Gillen, definitely one to watch...but WHERE THE HELL IS SPEED?!
- Saga
Image Comics have be FLYING this year with a host of amazing releases including Mind The Gap, Danger Club, Nowhere Men, Change, and topping our list is Saga. Brain K.Vaughan and Fiona Staple's space opera has been setting new standards this year as it blends sci-fi, mystery, fantasy, romance with outlandishly epic and sometimes borderline gross characters.
It's still only 7 issues in and we've barely scratched the surface of the awesomeness that's still to come. Vaughan and Staples are amazing story tellers, and geniuses at the element of surprise. We're going into 2013 with our eyes wide open for this badboy
- Wolverine and the X-men
What we have here is a truly spectacular piece of work by Jason Aaron, from issue one onwards it is brilliant. Not only is it incredibly well written with a great cast of characters all being given time to shine but it is all brought to life by some wonderful artwork thanks to Chris Bachalo and Nick Bradshaw.
This book has no downside. Just read it, and revel in the glory of ICEMAN!!!!!!
- The Hypernaturals
Andy Lanning and Dan Abnett's work is amazing, you will read it, you already love it. Its awesome, its just....blarrghhhee!!! Its so good it makes me crazy. A truly fantastic comic, a science fiction epic that even goes so far as to have its own fictional adverts instead of actual adverts on the ad pages. its the same level of excellent writing that we have come to expect from the team of Andy Lanning and Dan Abnett only taken to the next level by artwork from the likes of Tom Derenick, Andres Guinaldo and Brad Walker which only goes to elevate this work to realms of godhood....I'm a massive fan of The Hypernaturals in case you haven't guessed.
I hope to see this run for a very long time, its definitely got the plot for it, with mystery and intrigue, action, deceit and a villain so evil he has evil smoke surrounding his face. It also has some truly human characters, not super heroes but people, who happen to be better than normal, Hypernatural you might say, who get elevated to celebrity status due to their power and help to better the world however they can, even if its not the way they would prefer.
Seriously, you need to read this book.
Here we have a book that is genius from Simon Spurrier, it takes a fresh look at the relationship between good and evil, hero and villain and what this values even are. With excellent characters, stunning environments and one hell of a plot courtesy of Simon Spurrier, easily one of the best writers of 2012. Not only a book with truly great writing but also beautiful imagery thanks to Jeffrey Edwards and V Ken Marion. Definitely worth a read just to see the relationship between the so called hero and villain, such a human relationship that you forget at times your reading something so fantastical as a comic book with giant aliens and humanity on the brink of extinction. I can honestly say this is the first time I've ever been truly drawn into a comic for the relationships of the characters, which I think is a testament to the skill of Simon Spurrier, and that's what makes this book worth of a Top 5 spot of 2012.