Our favourite Messiah-deluded telepath is back, but this time he isn't sporting his peksy techno-virus, which now means that his mutant abilities are stifled his left arm is purely "meat and bone", and to top it all off, he now has this crazy (deadly?) brain thing which appear to be premonitions of the future. What more could you ask for.
His followers so far include Domino, Dr. Nemesis, and my personal favourite, Forge. We also see a great reunion between father and daughter with the return of Hope (wondered where she was hiding). Somewhere down the line Colossus will be joining this already amazing line up but when, how and why will be a whole different story.
Issue #1 and I already think that this is gonna be a pretty amazing series. Like All New X-Men, I think the bar has been set quite high, and Dennis Hopeless has gone in hard and we now know that the first few issues of this arc will be working retrospectively - as they lead up to the events of the first few scenes of this issue.
Probably one of my favourite things about it was the Uncanny Avengers cameo. This is definitely a set up for some really good crossovers between the two teams, especially with both Nephew and Uncle at the helm. And I have no doubt that sooner or later Daddy will appear in mix.

Metal and shiney things everywhere and Salvador Larroca and Frank D’Armata are amazing. Their work together is so visual and appealing and almost compensates for Hopeless' more confusing moments. The opening scenes with the Uncanny Avengers are great, and its great to see the whole team together from the get go. However, Larroca does seem to be playing it a bit safe for now, but we're expecting some big things to come once it all kicks off.
What would Doom do?
He'd ransack his little Reed Richards pigbank for all those Latverian pennies he'd be squirreling away and he'd buy this mofo, like now...like right now.
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