Right, as mentioned previously, in the post I'm sure you all read, here is the follow up post regarding 'The Hypernaturals' issue one. Which if you haven't read by now then I really don't know why I bother. Though I feel I should also say here that spoilers may possibly occur, so no complaining.
Anyway, back to the point at hand, now, if you did read the previous Hypernaturals themed post then you'll know that I left a clue as to the topic of this discussion which I can now reveal to be, 'the desire to leave a mark on the world'. Something that many people desire, and some even achieve, within The Hypernaturals we can see three different ways of leaving a mark, and three different characters.

For the first, we have Thinkwell exampling leaving a mark by way of intellect.Now this is very wide ranging, from creating a new equation to explain everything to writing a book or creating a painting. The ability to leave a mark on the world by making people think, or changing the way things are done, using creativity, imagination and intellect to be remembered and live on. Not only does Thinkwell use his intellect to fight, he also teaches, leaving a mark by sharing knowledge. He, like some of us wants to be remembered for his intellect, not his ability to fight, his ability to share knowledge to better the world through intelligence

Then we have Bewilder, who shows us the more personal way of leaving a mark, through our direct relationships with others. She builds close personal relationships ensuring she will leave a mark on others and live on in memories. She even goes as far to work in public relations, working with the media and so constantly being seen and heard. We want to be loved, thought about and remembered, which in today's world can be accomplished through appearing in reality TV. Relationships can be created with the masses through which a mark can be left, not always positive, but still left.

There is even the literal, a mark can physically be left, perhaps through building,creating something that can live on and be seen by people. This could be something as complex as a building to something as simple as a shelf or chair. Then there is also destruction, you may be remembered for destroying something as well as creating it. Just like Sublime, literally leaving his mark on the world, ensuring that he will not be forgotten. Sublime, just as others do, just want to be remembered, they want to be able to point to something and say they did that, they need a mark of their existence to justify their lives.
We can also see what happens when you leave a negative mark, a mark that you didn't want to leave, what happens when you are remembered for something that you just want to forget. A mark that haunts you, that destroys you, a mark that was unintended, such as that left by Hatch Groman, and if you want to know what that mark is start reading 'The Hypernaturals'.
And with that I will leave you to get on with whatever it is you were doing or are meant to be doing. (Hint: Reading The Hypernaturals)