With a new costume and
hair style to boot, Danvers really looks the part, and thanks to some
smart writing, strong artwork, and cameos from everyone’s favourite
patriot and friendly neighbourhood arachnid; Captain Marvel #1 really
does stand up to be a strong comic-book and not just a 'Hey! I'm a
new superhero! Hear me roar!' gimmick.
Kelly Sue DeConnick really works hard to take you to
the heart of the issue. We see different sides to Danver that stretch
further than the hardhitter, 'take no bullshit', leader of the
Avengers. DeConnick presents a much more likeable- and what I
consider to be- a more 'womanly' Danvers. Not in the sense of all
curves and boobs, but rather Danvers as a Friend/Mother type (to her
ailing friend), a sister, a companion (to Captain America) and a
daughter-figure (to the late Helen Cobb). The script is also
juxtaposed with elements of humour and a good supervillian
arse-kicking. This all comes together to produce a vision of a modern
day woman living all aspects of her life made wise and strong through
life experience.

By the end of the issue
Danvers looks strong, more than just your average female heroine, and
pretty dame posterific!
DeConnick and Soy work
together to create a seriously strong basis for the new Captain
Although it ticks a lot
of boxes, I still can't help but think that there is something is
missing. However it is only issue #1, and there's still a lot of
ground to cover...but I can safely say that that DeConnick and Soy
may make a Carol convert out of me yet.
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