I don't know what I was expecting when I picked up this issue, but it definitely wasn't this.
The artwork of Ivan Reis and Joe Prado was absolutely flawless and not to forget the colourist Rod Reis. All 3 worked together to produce an absolute stunning issue from start to finish - especially the underwater scenes.
You can literally hear the swell of the orchestra and the splash of the waves. Think I'm joking? then you definitely need to get your hands on this issue to see what I mean (a love of the 1989's Disney classic may also help...)

Let's not forget Geoff John's who kicks off this tale of a young man's reunion with the sea. Whilst the writing is strong, I really feel like this #0 issue is well and truly lead by Reis's and Prado's ability to let the artwork tell this story.
Definitely one for the big screen.
Watch from 2:15 in!
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