The redeeming X-Men series that can do no wrong.
Scott has come face to face with him and the early X-Men - he thought, he freaked out Jean and it was epic. I don't think that this confrontation could have been any better.
The start is dialogue heavy, but it definitely called for it. It's a concise and a progressively human insight into Scott's mind. Bendis pretty much answered all the questions that we'd find ourselves asking, and Immonen captured the sequence brilliantly. These short bursts of action really get you excited about what's to come, and you just know they're gonna get bigger. Also, is it just me, or is Angel looking suspicious?
What Would Doom Do?
He'd read this now, and he'd read it a lot, then start over and read again

Only a page in and another man down (Red Raven - the close up of her death is amazing yet chilling) leaving 14 teen superhumans.
Hopeless is very smart with this issue, and turns his focus to the lesser known characters - The Braddock Academy and Rebecca Ryker.
I felt like this was quite an emotional issue - with the young and lonely Rebecca taking the lead. With no friends, or alliances and fresh off a cybernetics table, she is most out of her element and you really do sympathise, but as the issue goes on you can really feel the story beginning to take a darker turn. It's definitely time to get their killin on.
What Would Doom Do?
He'd start gathering his latverian pennies cause it's time to bet on who's gonna come out on top

Hopeless is the man of the hour.
Cable is dying (no surprises there), and his 'headaches' are manifestations of the future. You'd think that Nate would start to user this power for good, but based in the scenes from the present, you can only assume 'good' is far too boring for him now.
Most importantly, the final member - Colossus, has now arrived, and in keeping up with the new NOW! continuum, like the rest of the Phoenix five (All New X-Men) his powers are all out of whack, and in comes Cable to save the day. Now, although Colossus doesn't appear until the very end #2, it's still the highlight!
What would Doom do?
Find Nate, capture Nate, steal Nate's brain, see the future like Nate, and live blissfully knowing that what's to come is gonna be badass

Captain Marvel #8
I've been waiting a while for this issue and I must say i'm a little disappointed. We LOVE the work that Deconnick has been doing, but this issue fell pretty flat. Captain Marvels 2&3 (Rambeau and Danvers) take on the underwater transformer and with all the wise cracks and banter flying around, it was very easy to forget they were in combat.
Soy made it look as amazing as ever, but we'd really like to see his skills tested in a bigger action setting.
I know this is the reintroduction and redevelopment of Danvers, but it's time to see a longer arc for Captain Whiz Bang! Deconnick and write it, and Soy can art it so lets see it!
What would doom do?
Put the party poppers away cause this issue's just a very tame hootenanny. Maybe next time eh?

FF #2
Tasked with becoming the worlds savoirs' for 4 minutes, Fraction's new FF are rapidly becoming our ultimate alliance (overboard? yes).
#2 follows on directly where Fantastic Four #2 left off . There are mole men, "ex-cons with delusions of super-heroic grandeur", thing-suits and human torches falling from portals. At times it feel like it's moving too quickly, but I can see what Fraction is trying to achieve, but i'm hoping the pace slows down a bit. Apart from that the dialogue is on point. Scott and the kids of the Future Foundation are really selling this for what it is - a story about a bunch of people that haven't got a clue, and now they've realised that it's gonna be a whole lot longer than 4 minutes, the story can really begin to shape up!
What would doom do?
Time to get on standby, it's Doom's time to shine...that or just keep reading.

My original review still stands. This story just feels like its passing me by and I still have no idea of what's going on. Way doesn't seem to be making any attempts to inform us why Ross has brought this new team of Thunderbolts together, and why in the hell any of them have agreed to join. They also seem rather out of character (especially Deadpool, apart from the trippy scene), and I just don't feel like this has any strong direction.
Sad to say that this is definitely my first disappoint me of Marvel Now. There seems to have been a lot of hype, but not much delivery. Maybe a couple more issues will change my mind but we'll have to wait and see.
What would doom do?
Hijack Hank McCoys time machine in an attempt to get back the 20 mins it took to forcibly read this issue. Harsh Doom...harsh.
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