Love sets up what could have been a brilliant story - nothing groundbreaking, but great nevertheless. An apocalyptic world where many of the humans population have been a affected by the mutant gene (Mutes), whilst a smaller proportion have remained immune (Munes). Cue the mad scientist with a passion for biology and an aversion to the different (sound familiar), and one little boy with a rare blood type that not only renders him immune to the mutation, but as has the ability to destroy it. Pull him apart and replace some bits with terminator style machinery, and you have one lean meant 13 killing machine. A 'bumb on the head' leaves 13 memoryless and wanting to save the beings he's been 'created' to kill.

Simple, but with Love/Dana Shukartsi's art and Heather Breckel's inks it all comes to life in a garishly stunning way. But sadly enough this this enough to carry it all the way through. The story pretty much ends how you'd expect (sorry no spoilers here), and to be honest its rather...ungratifying. I get the feeling that there could have been so much more, a few more twists and turns.
There isn't much of a chance to really attach yourself to a character, and I didn't really feel as if I was 'following' Number 13 on his journey. Whilst it's great as a moral compass for modern day life (love thy neighbour, accept each other etc), I felt very much on the outside of it.
Number 13 is definitely the beginnings of something pretty awesome, but just fails to reach it true potential...who knows...Love and Walker might end this madness and dazzle us with more issues to really bring out the story. They might even release a prequel...I have many of fingers and arms crossed.
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