The merc with the mouth is now 2/3's of the way through his task to dispose of the resurrected Presidents, and #5 see's him take his hunt intergalactic to gank Reagan.

There isn't really much to distinguish this issue from the others - Posehn and Duggan's dialogue is as fluid and witty as ever, and they do an awesome job of moving - what could easily be a typical Deadpool story - along. But what's really interesting is the developing 'relationship' between Wade and Preston. Through such an unlikely, seemingly un-moving pairing, Posehn and Duggan provide a rare 'magic moment' of Deadpool showing a bit of heart through his reaction to Preston's death at the hands of a George Washington.
Now that's one reason why we love Deadpool.
But if that wasn't enough, then Moore's lines and Staples' colours really seal the deal. We had our reservations at first - whilst it seems like the perfect style for the nature of Deadpool, it just seemed a bit 'much', but it's safe to say they now have our seal of approval (yes we are that important). Some of the panels are so garish and grotesque that it almost seems like you should be looking away. It's all blood and guts but somehow...just somehow they manage to make it look good...and dare we say The closing page is hilariously sad, and even Preston's death makes you want to chuckle. But nothing beats the full page spread of Reagan's guts and jelly beans spewing through Zero G's.
So on what note...What Would Doom Do?
He'd show you a bad-ass picture of Reagan spewing his guts. If that ain't enough to get you to read this series, well then quite frankly you ain't good enough to be a future resurrected president.
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