Sunday 23 September 2012

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Eight solid hours, one bucket of chicken, two dogs, three friends, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I thoroughly recommend it. No split screens, just you and your team (npc or  friends) and a screen full of superheroes, henchman and a whole lot of chaos. I can honestly say that for most of the time I had no idea what's going on, I didn't know who I was, who my friends where, I didn't even know if I was hitting anything, all I knew was that things where happening. Lots of things, big things, powers everywhere, bodies flying, and of course, barrels blowing up.

You may not know what's going on, but you know its good, and you definitely know you're enjoying it. And not its not only the gameplay that's enjoyable, there is also the array of heroes to play as, which a large selection ready from the beginning and more unlocked as you go along. Couple this huge choice with the option of swapping out characters midplay and you're spoilt for choice, with hours of re-playability packed in.

However, there is a downside, a dark, sinister downside, an obsession, an obsession that grips you in its icy embrace and refuses to let you go until you've sated it. The obsession of new costumes, each hero comes with an alternative costume for you to unlock, and pretty soon you'll be itching to see them all.

So if you'll excuse me I'm off to unlock more costumes, and generally laugh maniacally as I watch the chaos unfurl and the bodies fly. Maybe this time I'll actually be able to tell what's going on and who's doing it.

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