Saturday 15 September 2012

The Importance of the Trinity

In both DC and Marvel, we have a core trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman on one side, with Iron Man, Thor and Captain America on the other. It is also the case that these six heroes can be distilled into three key aspects.

Technology/Intelligence of the time - Batman and Iron Man.
Strong Morality/Principles - Captain America and Superman.
Mythological/Spiritual - Thor and Wonder Woman.

These can change somewhat depending on your choice of words but are all pretty much consistent with the above. So why do they exist? Why are these three aspects consistent in mainstream comics? Could it possibly be that these three aspects are what we connect most to, are what are a solid basis for a civilization, even person....probably not, I'm sure its just coincidence.....but still... conspiracy? Are these comics really the first stepping stones in a Marvel/DC attempt at social engineering? I feel we may be on the brink of a new civilization designed and modelled on such characters.

So lets take a quick peek behind the curtain of what such a society could be based on these three aspects.

First up we have embracing the technology of the time or intelligence which allows for progress. Through this society would grow, quality of life could improve through the use of technology and all its applications. However, science and technology unchecked could run away from us, with out a system of ethics or a positive moral code it could become monstrous (anyone else thinking of Otto Octavius?). Consider how far Batman and Iron Man would go if they weren't keep in check on occasion, so much like these techy heroes such a society would also need to be kept in check, through strong morals, Captain America and Superman in other words.

So we now have this solid moral basis that keeps us in check, prevents us and technology from going too far.  We keep in mind the ideals of good and evil, right and wrong, but is this enough? No, it could lead to a very cold and calculated society, everything is carefully measured in terms of its moral value, life would be lived according to a strict code. This is why we need the third part of the trinity, Thor and Wonder Woman, the mythological aspect.

This deeper 'spiritual' nature provides us with the realisation of there being something greater be it a god or the universe itself. Thus allowing for a more romantic view of life which prevents things becoming 'cold' or calculated which would be the consequence of having the previous two only.

You can leave now, and read the Justice League/Avengers crossover.

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