Tuesday 6 November 2012

5 reasons Doom would vote for Obama

No one has asked my opinion on this subject, but due to my arrogant egotistical nature I will now be giving it. In the form of 5 reasons why even Doom would vote for Obama.

1. The alternative is a guy called Mitt, seriously, his name is Mitt. I mean Dr. Doom isn't exactly imaginative, but its better than Mitt. Would you really want a guy called Mitt to be in charge of your country?

2. Mitt is a douche. Doom is no saint, but he at least treats all his subjects as equal, he will care for them and provide for them, Mitt will only be doing this for those that can help him in turn. Who also happen to be those that already have the means to help themselves.

3. Mormons?! Yep, old Mitt is a Mormon, I'm not saying that being religious is bad, (but it is) but it definitely doesn't have a place in politics and this particular 'religon' only goes to show that Obama's rival is a moron.

4. Voting Obama for Doom means the chance to negotiate with a reasonable man, when it comes to his reasonable demands.  Even for Doom Mitt is unreasonable.

And last but not least,

5. Re-electing Obama will prevent Mitt from winning, and that seems all the reason necessary.

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