Tuesday 27 November 2012

5 reasons why Joseph Gordon-Levitt SHOULDN'T be Batman

Now, don't get me wrong, i'm a massive fan of Gordon-Levitt. I've followed his career since 3rd Rock From the Sun, right through to 10 Things I Hate About You, Mysterious Skin and 500 Days Of Summer. And whilst i'm ecstatic that he's finally getting the recognition he deserves and playing A-Mazing roles (Inception, Looper, The Dark Knight Rises!) I DON'T think he should be the next caped crusader in The Justice League

Why? I hear you squeal...Well...
  1. Who the hell would play Robin?
    Whilst JGL is pure awesomeness and a great leading man, if i'm really honest, I still see him as the perfect Robin. Compared to Batmen of the past and present - Keaton, Bale and even Kilmer and Clooney, there's something about JGL that doesn't seem to pop out that makes me say "Holy smokes!" But when I think who would make the perfect sidekick, he's the first person that comes to mind. To be honest i'm still a bit surprised that he didn't end up being Dick Grayson in 'The Dark Knight Rises'...

  2.  The Bat killed JGL
    One of my biggest pet peeves of Superhero films has been randomly throwing popular actors/actresses into the mix to boost the profile of the film. This has only killed the credibility of the actor AND the film in my opinion. Just look at Daredevil and Ben Affleck -what? when did that happen?! you ask...my point exactly, and Halle Berry with Storm, and lest we forget (although we try to) Catwoman - they are currently showing that as an afternoon film on ITV these days.
    JGL is amazeballs, but lets no throw him into the mix for the hell of it.

  3. There are plenty more heroes in the sea...
    Yes JLA is gonna be a pretty big one, but who's to say it will be the biggest? There are plenty more heroes out there ripe for the picking, and right for JGL, so why should he limit himself to the Bat. With the state of superhero films/comics at the moment, there will  be an abundance of roles coming up. If he commits himself to Batman then how the hell can he be Hank Pym!

  4. No more mister nice guy
    We've seen plenty of nicey nicey, hero type, moral JGL, it's about time we saw a darker side! And I vote that Batman isn't dark enough.

  5. JGL is too good for Batman
    Been there, done that, and Bale and Keaton are reigning supreme. Let's leave it at that before we get dragged into a game of "who played the better Batman". Plus, everyone knows that Batman isn't even a big enough role for JGL...now Doom on the other hand....

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