Monday 8 October 2012

Digital Vs Print the Eternal Battle

It's that relatively new, age old question, of print vs digital comics, which is better, which will be the future of comics?

If you ask me, its both. But then again newer generations may not even realise books can be bought in print format (and for those of you reading, that means that words are printed on paper) I read comics in both forms, I even read novels in both forms, and of course both have certain advantages and disadvantages. But for both to truly last, they need to work together, certain publishers have taken the first few steps towards this with the ability to scan print copies with a phone/tablet and get extra features, then there is the whole 'free digital copy when you buy print' things going on, and I'm sure there are many other gimmicks being employed elsewhere. But I fear this 'free digital copy' may be doing more harm than good, I can see what its meant to do, win over both crowds, you want digital? Great, you can have it free if you buy print!

However, some people may be buying digital because they don't want the print version, or perhaps once a buyer gets a taste of digital they find it easier quicker and far more convenient and move on from print. And its true, buying digital is incredibly easy, you click, or tap with a finger on newer magic devices and there it is, ready to be read and you didn't even need to get out of bed. Surely what should be happening is encouraging and pushing print?

What if you got a free hard copy delivered to your door, or ready to pick up from your nearest comic book store when you buy digital, then you would get the ease of buying digital with that special magical feeling of actually holding the book in your hands. Not to mention getting more customers through the door of their local comic book store, and odds are that once there, they will buy something else, and hopefully return. But what do I know, I'm just a customer after all, I am positive that this is a far more complex and challenge issue than my simplistic understanding of it makes it appear. All I do know is that I will continue to buy both digital and print, I will continue to support the industry because I love the outcome and appreciate all the work that goes into producing that end result.

So, What Would Doom Do? He'd go browse his local comic book store and pick up a few issues and thoroughly enjoy his time there, so why don't you pop on down now. Or risk the wrath of Doom, your choice.

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