Saturday 27 October 2012

Kate Kane..Woman of the hour?

I'm slowly making my way through DC's new 52 and getting to grips with who's who and as I mentioned last month, Kate Kane aka Batwoman, is definitely one to watch.

With no relation to Batman, aside from being an insanely wealthy, none powered vigilante, Kane character is one of many DC characters now 'breaking the fourth wall' (so to speak), reppin' a diverse society as a red headed, army brat lesbian. I'm still playing catch up, (as I threw myself in at #12) but thanks to the good people at Wikipedia and Orbital Comics, I think i'm almost there.

Batwoman #0 provided a great back story to Kane and it read very much like a dark Manhattan Noir film, which I thought was pretty awesome. Kane is beautiful, slick, strong but pretty damn damaged (hey who isn't), but this only adds to her strength as a Gotham city's latest Bat. By the end of the issue I felt pretty caught up on Kate herself although, still pretty lost about what the hell was actually going on...(being 11 issues behind will do that do a girl)

On to #13 and it's all getting a lot clearer and my favourite comic noir has brought in the big guns in the form of Wonder Woman and can I just say woah...sexual tension much? I get the feeling they're doing this on purpose. But either way Kate and Diana are looking set to kick some arse and take some names.

There search for Medusa takes them through some pretty stunning art work (Blackman)- including a double page spread of them in a maze. If you were confused, then imagine how they must have felt.

It really does feel like this is beginning to build into something, and i'm pretty intrigued to find out the end result. So until November 21st i'll keep catching up.

So what would doom do? He'd stick on his best detective hat and mac and set out into the mean streets of Gotham in search of his next fix of Batwoman.

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