Monday 29 October 2012

Hardcore is as Hardcore Does

Once again, thanks go out to Orbital Comics as I've been able to pick up a whole new range of titles to read that I didn't know even existed before due to my staggering ignorance when it comes to comics. So expect a whole slew of posts to be coming your way about what I think are the most amazing new things but you have all read years ago and no longer care about.

But first up we have Hardcore issue one, brought to us courtesy of Kirkman, Silvestri, Stelfreeze and Image. Even though it was solicited two years ago as a part of Top Cow's pilot season it has only just arrived on the shelves, and not even all shelves, so get it if you see it.

But what is it I hear you ask, well, its bound to be compared with The Matrix and Avatar due to the idea of taking your mind and putting it in another body, but its done in an ever so slightly more realistic fashion, just about. The do attempt to explain some of the science, which I always appreciate, helps make the believing easy if you have some funky made up science to go with it. And the story? Maybe not the most original or deep, but still fun. 

We have a man trapped inside a body that isn't his own while his real body is surrounded by traitors that are itching to kill him, and he knows it, yet he cant return without help. Oh and he only has 72 hours until the connection breaks down and he dies anyway. So I imagine its going to be a fairly fast paced story, no mopping about being all whiny, he's gotta get moving.

Now, since this is a comic, that means there is art. ow it took me a little while to get to like it since everyone appears to have been horribly disfigured, but once you get past that style issue it actually really works. Its the sort of angular sharp art that the story needs, lots of harshness and fast movement. It may not be to every ones taste, but just give it a go, its actually rather good.

And What Would Doom Do? He would read, enjoy and patiently wait for issue two while making a list of all the people he would like to be able to take over the bodies of for a day, and its surprisingly unperverted.

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